We have been posting and talking a lot about the ONC Final Rule and the CMS Final Rule, and the impact these rules have on provider and payer technologies such as EHRs and payer systems. The use of HL7 FHIR as a standard for interoperability can and will open the door for patients to request and receive their digital healthcare information from providers and payers.
Recently, CMS published a draft Final Rule (we will call this proposed Final Rule, in draft form, Final Rule #2 for the purposes of our discussion). In Final Rule #2, CMS is proposing that all provider EHRs and payer systems be upgraded to allow for the sharing of Prior Authorization data on patients. Prior Authorization, a transaction that is sometimes used between healthcare IT systems and under this proposed rule, will be modernized to allow for seamless interoperability between providers and payers for Prior Authorization.
The rules and proposed rules from the ONC and CMS are being published and finalized at a very fast pace. Providers and payers will have to adapt and build/modify their technical systems to support these requirements, but what about their HIPAA and data sharing policies and procedures? These HIPAA and data sharing policies and procedures will need updating as well.
HIPAAtrek is closely following these requirements and can help. Let us help you tune up your HIPAA policies and procedures, while you build your infrastructure to meet these ONC and CMS requirements.

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