Introducing our New CEO, Amy Coulter
We are pleased to announce that we have a new Chief Executive Officer at HIPAAtrek, Amy Coulter. Amy comes to us with a wealth of…
How to Make the Business Case for Compliance
Whether you’re trying to increase budget for compliance, build organizational buy-in, or communicate needs on behalf of the compliance department, it is critical to know…
Announcing Our New Logo
As the market leader HIPAA compliance software, we are proud to unveil a fresher, updated logo that better reflects our brand.
Proposed Requirements and Regulations that will Further Impact How Providers Share Data
We have been posting and talking a lot about the ONC Final Rule and the CMS Final Rule, and the impact these rules have on…
Additional Requirements for Providers Under the CMS and ONC Final Rules
We recently posted about the CMS Final Rule (CMS 9115-F), requiring providers and payers to use the emerging HL7 standard of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources…
Information on New CMS Regulations
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have issued a new rule titled Final Rule (CMS 9115-F). The CMS Final Rule was finalized as…
Is the Telehealth you’ve adopted secure?
Many patients and providers who would not have normally considered telehealth as a regular way to access healthcare are now utilizing the services. Many patients…
Double Extortion: What It Is, and How You Can Prevent It
If organizations refuse to pay their ransom, attackers are threatening to release the data publicly. This will of course include sensitive information and PHI. Before…
HIPAA Enforcement Discretion Announcement for COVID-19 Testing
On April 9, 2020, the OCR announced it will use its enforcement discretion for Community Based Testing Sites for COVID-19 testing. The enforcement discretion is…